Bulgartransgaz EAD informs all interested parties that the Contract for Access and Natural Gas Transport through Bulgartransgaz EAD gas transmission networks with the General Terms and Conditions thereto, as well as the Contract for Natural Gas Purchase and Sale for Balancing and the Contract for the Virtual Trading Point Use, applicable for Gas Year 2024- 2025 have been approved by Bulgartransgaz EAD Management Board and published here.
To sign the Contracts for Gas Year 2024-2025 you shall submit:
Application for access to the gas transmission network (Standard Form, in Bulgarian or English) and up-to-date documents, proving the legal status of the company, namely:
- Excerpt from the Commercial Register at the place of registration of the company;
- Documents proving that the company has not been declared bankrupt or liquidated and is not in bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings.
All documents shall be submitted in original in the language in which they were issued, accompanied by a translation into Bulgarian or English. The original documents shall be certified by Apostille in accordance with the 1961 Hague Convention and the translation must be certified by a sworn (registered) translator.
The Applications, together with the above documents, can be submitted at any time to access@bulgartransgaz.bg. The originals must be received at the Registry Office of Bulgartransgaz at the following address: 1336 Sofia, 66 Pancho Vladigerov Blvd.
Customers who wish to extend the validity period of already concluded contracts can sign additional agreements, available here and shall submit the original documents no later than 30 September 2024.
Bulgartransgaz provides the possibility to sign the Contracts electronically, using а qualified electronic signature, in the meaning of Article 3(12) of Regulation (ЕU) 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC.
Therefore, in the Application, under item 3 “Others”, it shall be expressly stated whether the Applicant wishes to conclude the contracts electronically with a qualified electronic signature.