In line with the requirements of paragraph 3.3.3 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, this page provides historical information for the past 5 years on rolling basis for the Bulgartransgaz’ relevant points.

The information is published on ENTSOG Transparency Platform in compliance with point 3.1.1 (1) (h) of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009. The Platform provides access to historical data and to information for the available capacities, booked and technical capacities over all years where capacity is contracted plus 1 year.

Additionally, above the regulation requirements, Bulgartransgaz publishes data for the allocated quantities and WI.

The values are published in energy units in accordance with the requirements of point 3.1.1 (1) (f) of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 and Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2017/459.