The Executive director of Bulgartransgaz EAD Vladimir Malinov and the CEO of DESFA S.A. Maria Rita Galli signed a letter of intent for cooperation in the field of hydrogen. They underline the key significance of hydrogen and its wide benefits on environment, the economy and society. hydrogen applications and technologies for its production, transportation, and usage can contribute both to the creation of sustainable industrial jobs and to the attainment of Europe’s energy and climate targets in line with the Paris Agreement. The Operators note that they will continue the successful cooperation for developing cross-border energy infrastructure, as well as the work on large-scale joint investment projects. Thus the companies will support the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies and systems and the creation of an EU hydrogen market.
DESFA has submitted a proposal, part of the White Dragon integrated project, in the context of Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI) for the development of a European “Hydrogen Technologies and Systems” value chain. The project proposal involves a comprehensive assessment and gap analysis of the gas transmission system in Greece, regarding its readiness to accept and transport growing percentages of hydrogen blended into the natural gas.
Bulgartransgaz is developing a project Retrofitting of the Bulgarian Gas Transmission System, that envisages to assess the transmission system for its readiness to accept blends of natural gas with certain amounts of hydrogen with and its subsequent adaptation for transmission of natural gas and hydrogen blends.
As the two transmission systems are interconnected, the BTG and Desfa will investigate the opportunities for a potential collaboration, including exchange of information, executing common technical and feasibility studies related to the projects. The two companies will also consider other potential related initiatives in the hydrogen value chain that integrate or create synergies to the projects.