This section of the website offers information on the tariffs for the transmission, storage and balancing services offered by Bulgartransgaz
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2023/2024
Neutrality charge for balancing for the gas year 2023/2024
Information in accordance with Article 29 and 30 of Regulation (EU) 2017/460
Price of natural gas for balancing
Prices for providing services for access and storage of natural gas
Tariff caclulator - storage of natural gas - for gas year 2023/2024
Prices for access and transmission through the gas transmission network owned by Bulgartransgaz EAD for the gas year 01.10.2017 – 30.09.2018 in line with EWRC Decision No NGP1/01.08.2017 adopted with Decision under item 1.1 and item 1.2. of Bulgartransgaz EAD Management Board Protocol No. 231 of 21.09.2017
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2022/2023
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2021/2022
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2020/2021
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2019/2020
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2018/2019
Tariff calculator, applicable for the tariff period / gas year 2017/2018
Neutrality charge for balancing for the gas year 2022/2023
Neutrality charge for balancing for the gas year 2021/2022
Neutrality charge for balancing for the gas year 2020/2021
Neutrality charge for balancing for the gas year 2019/2020
Price for storage of natural gas valid untill 15.04.2021
Archive - Natural Gas Transportation and Storage Prices valid until 30.09.2017