Project: No.BG16RFOP002-4.003-0001-С01 „Completion of the preparatory activities required for the start of the construction of the Interconnection Bulgaria - Serbia“

Project „Completion of the preparatory activities required for the start of the construction of the Interconnection Bulgaria - Serbia“ has been approved to be financed under the Operational Programme Innovations and Competitiveness 2014-2020 under a call for proposals BG16RFOP002-4.003 „Technical assistance to secure the completion of the preparatory works, required for the start of the construction works for the Interconnection Bulgaria-Serbia“.


Main objective: Completion of the preparatory works and award of a building permit for the Interconnection Bulgaria– Serbia on Bulgarian territory 

Bulgartransgaz EAD has been nominated to be the project promoter (with the consent of the European Commission) of the Interconnection Bulgaria-Serbia (IBS) and the future operator of the interconnection on Bulgarian territory with the signing of A Joint Declaration on the construction of the gas interconnection by the energy ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Serbia in May 2018.

Until the declaration signing, the activities for the IBS implementation on Bulgarian territory have been performed by the Ministry of Energy. This period has seen the start of procedures for the issuance of project permits and part of the required project documentation has been developed thereby ensuring the grant of the building permit.

As a current project promoter Bulgartransgaz EAD must complete the procedures involving the issuance of project permits, develop the full package of project documentation and acquire rights on the properties that will be affected by the route of the gas pipeline and its technological sites, thus meeting the conditions required for the grant of the building permits.

Main activities:

Activity 1: Rescue field archaeological studies

Activity 2: Changes, coordination and approval of the Detailed Spatial Development Plan – Parcelling Plan (DSDP - PP) and update of registers of impacted properties by the easement and technological sites

Activity 3: Preparation, coordination and approval of investment design in the Technical design phase;

Activity 4: Conformity assessment of the Technical design with the main requirements towards building sites

Activity 5: Acquisition of property rights and establishment of easement


Project total value: BGN 9,240,420.00

Total amount of the grant: BGN 5 468 820,00 of which BGN 4 648 497,00 European and BGN  820 323,00 national co-financing.

Start date: 7 October 2020                                End date: 7 October 2023


Additional information:

Project No.BG16RFOP002-4.003-0001-С01 „Completion of the preparatory activities required for the start of the construction of the Interconnection Bulgaria - Serbia“ is part of the measures taken by Bulgartransgaz EAD to ensure financing for the construction of the gas interconnection.

Information on the public procurements for the project activities is available in the Section Buyer's Profile on Bulgartransgaz EAD website.

The IBS has the support of the European Commission, which included the project in all currently approved lists of projects of common interest (PCIs) for the EC.

IBS is a priority project for the Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity (CESEC) regional initiative as well.

Further project information is available here.


This information has been provided through the financial support of operational programme Innovations and Competitiveness 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The full responsibility with regard to the content of the information lies with Bulgartransgaz EAD and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this information reflects the official position of the European Union and the Managing authority.